Tim’s favorite developer!
100ml of 510-Pyro from Zone Imaging complete with a 5ml syringe.
Razor sharp and extremely fine grained. Unrivaled long tonal range particularly in shadows and highlights
A 100ml bottle develops 30-100 35mm rolls, 6+ years shelf life
Protects film from damage and uniquely gives negatives that are optimized for scanning, silver gelatin and UV printing processes with the same development time
The stain offered by this developer gives extraordinary shadow recovery in direct digitization of negatives; incredible highlight separation for darkroom printing and more density for highlights when using UV based alt process printing methods.
By using extremely dilute working solutions – 1:100 to 1:500, this makes this developer also extremely economical! Can be used with a rotary, normal hand inversions; or stand/semi-stand. In particular Tim likes using the geometric agitation method when doing semi-stand.