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Of Colored Filters and T-Max 100

As some of you may know, we’re going on vacation to Iceland coming up here soon. As part of my (over) preparation, I decided to upgrade and add to my filter collection. As an aside I’ve made quite a few accessories for the trip, some of which I have already teased which includes some circular and rectangular filter cases which I’m rather fond of.

Anyways! Among the filters I decided to pick up were Hoya X0 (light green) and X1 (green) filters. I’ve never used green filters but it seemed like something worth trying going to a country with lots of green things. My main black and white film will be T-Max 100 so I decided to use one of my recently expired rolls of TMX in 120. This also let me test a new film back for my Hasselblad while doing so. The test was simply taking photos of my color chart on our outdoor seat during the mid afternoon on a cloudy day. I metered on the middle grey patch of the color chart which matched the incident reading as well. Here are the results:

Here’s a flatbed scan of the PrintFile sleeves of the film I shot. So it’s not the sharpest but the goal here was to just compare the color swatches to my X-Rite Color Chart. The exposures go left to right and down and are as follows:

  • 1: No filter
  • 2: Hoya K2 Yellow
  • 3: Tiffen Yel 15 (more of an orange)
  • 4: Tiffen Red 25
  • 5: Hoya X0 (light green)
  • 6: Hoya X1 (green)
  • 7: K2 without any exposure compensation (so same shutter speed as shot 1)
  • 8: G0 without any exposure compensation (so same shutter speed as shot 1)
  • 9: Pretty sure I messed up my aperture setting on this one
  • 10: X0 with +2 exposure, though also messed up my aperture
  • 11: X1 with +3 exposure
  • 12: X0 with +2 exposure

I developed this roll in Zone Imaging’s 510-Pyro (which by the way we do carry on the store!) at 1:100 for 12:30 with 404ml working solution in my DIY rotary. I don’t think that plays a huge role here but 510 is likely the developer I will be using to develop most of my black and white films from the trip.

As an aside, Mrs. BitByBit Photo gives me a hard time to this day about how much that color chart cost for what amounts to color dyes on plastic. But nonetheless, it gives a good sampling of lots of colors I might see in the field. I’ll admit though a color chart won’t necessarily tell the whole story. Either way, here is what it actually looks like (taken from my phone):

So far my initial conclusions are that the X0 and X1 seem fairly similar to the yellow filters though are less steep on the light blue shades. I expected a bit bigger of a difference, and that may be the case with other films perhaps. I was surprised to see how much of a difference there was with the K2 filter. I often see TMX mentioned as having a “built-in yellow filter” and while I actually also tend to agree, it’s probably very mild or at least shows that the K2 still has a noticeable effect compared to no filter. This was actually the main reason I decided to do this test and I’m glad I did as that was somewhat unexpected.

From an exposure compensation perspective, I think the exposure compensation provided by Hoya and Tiffen is pretty spot on. Noting I used whole stops here and rounded to the nearest slower shutter speed for values in the middle. I do think the Red filter could use a bit more exposure based on the above though. Not by much, but by a little. I used my (recently CLA’d) Hasselblad with 80mm lens for these tests so there could also be some mechanical tolerances going on here, though that’s what I would experience in the field anyway and not something I wanted to worry about here.

I had already planned to bring all these filters and if I have a chance where I feel like I can burn some film on a particular scene, I might re-run these tests out in the field with a real subject just to see what comes of it. All told, part of the reason I got the K2 and X0 filters was for being able to double as protection filters, noting the unpredictable weather (including rain and wind) that I may experience while up there.

So there you go! Not particularly scientific but I learned something there and perhaps you did too!

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Resin Rectangular Filter Box

Another random case for our upcoming trip to Iceland! This is a 6 slot graduated neutral density filter case. The cloth pockets I have for these work “fine” but I actually don’t like something rubbing against the image area of the filter. If there’s dust on the cloth, it’ll just spend time sparing the dust bits around possibly scratching the fragile resin filter.

So instead, this only grips the filters on the sides in the same spot as the actual holder used by the camera. Since that’s outside the image area I don’t have to really worry about it nearly so much. The rigid plastic also helps provide some protection from some other random stuff in my pack.

This is not the final design but it’s not too far off. I think I want top to slide over the bottom a bit like the Omega gel filter storage box I made a while back. That will look nicer and also have a place for the top to stop to avoid pushing against the filters.

The final version will also be printed in an opaque plastic to protect the filters from light fade. The box will spend most of it’s time in my 4×5 backpack but even so. I had been thinking about upgrading one of the filters (the 2 or 3-stop) to glass as well but we’ll see.

Dunno if I’ll make this an official product or not but if folks are interested in something like this, certainly let me know!